I got this error today when I was importing a CSV file in MYSQL using phpMyAdmin. This error can be with SQL importing as well. It appears because of some (let’s say description) field needs to extend its length. After searching a lot on web, I found I would need to edit my.cnf file variable ‘max_allowed_packet’ to maximum bytes. If you are doing this on your local machine or VPS you can edit file directly. but there is another nicer way to do that. Continue reading “SQL/CSV importing error: Got a packet bigger than ‘max_allowed_packet’ bytes”
GSoC info session in Virtual University of Pakistan
hi guys, I’m hosting an info session at Open House even that is taking place at CCI campus , Virtual University of Pakistan. Dr. Naveed Malik will be chief guest of this event. I welcome you all for all of the help to take part in Google Summer of Code 2012.
Good Luck!

Google Code-in 2011 Mentor
[singlepic id=4 w=400 h=300 mode=web20 float=center]
hi guys, I got a Fedex guy call today “I have a parcel from US”. I was surprised what will be in parcel? Continue reading “Google Code-in 2011 Mentor”
Google Summer of Code 2012 is ON!

hello students Assalam-o-Alikum,
This post is giving you some awareness about what is Google Summer of Code, if you don’t know. If you know already then get ready its time to do something Awesome in your life. I have participated in GSoC 2010 and I want many many students to participate from Pakistan 🙂 Good Luck!! Continue reading “Google Summer of Code 2012 is ON!”
Open your existing Android projects in eclipse
I spent couple of hours finding how to open my existing Android projects in eclipse. So I though I should save someone’s time 😉
Follow the steps below:
1. you need to Switch workspace,

go to file->switch workspace -> point to DIR that contains your new project DIR
it will restart eclipse
2. Left click in left panel and import your project.
import your existing projects into workspace.

point your project and its done.
Do u know what is “Google Code In” ?
If you or any of yours around falls between age 13 and 17 i.e pre-university students who are enthusiastic about Computers knowledge and have time for Open Source code. Recommend them to take part in Google Code In.
Continue reading “Do u know what is “Google Code In” ?”
Goodies (certificate and t-shirt) of Google Summer of Code
Following are the goodies sent by Google. Pen, Stickers and Notebook were sent right after the acceptance of proposal and Certificate and t-shirt were sent upon completion of project !
Big Thanks to Google!
[nggallery id=1]
Google Summer of Code is Over Successfully
At 20th August,I got confirmation about Final Evaluations that I have Passed and I am Google Summer of Coder 2010 now. I am very very happy and my University (they featured me at their website and at notice board as well) and my Family is also delighted as well. Sorry for delayed in this post, Actually I had exam at 25th August and then I had to submit a term paper of Software Requirements Engineering. I submitted term paper after 2 weeks of due date and thanks to my teacher who accepted it finally.
Over the last week, I had managed to make the EPS Schema working. So, finally PDF,SVG,DIA and EPS Schema’s are working fine while MS Visio needs more time and I was running short of time. I would be continue working with it though this is the main point of GSoC.
GSoC polished me in true ways toward the Open Source development and I really loved working in this great program. I have planned to work on my own Open Source Software, you will hear soon at my blog. Taking part in Google Summer of Code was FUN and I really learned a lot of things from PMA. I have got all the money from Google 🙂 and waiting for t-shirt and Google certificate now.
My Code have been merged into the main repository of the PMA and I have uploaded it to the Google Project Hosting. So, anyone who wants to see what I coded can download the code (listed as Adnan_Mughal.tar.gz) and download the development version of PMA and play with the Export Relation Schema stuff. You would really love the work and use it in your projects demonstration. It would be helpful for students as well who need to present the structure of their databases.
Google summer of code 2010: 11th week
hi folks,
Last week of coding have been finished and I found VERY interesting things while working on EPS and MS Visio XML Schema’s.
EPS Schema Export
As you know I had installed xampp in Ubuntu. So, I could install PS PECL Extension to code EPS files. But damn, I got stuck while PECL INSTALL PS package in xampp. I tried again a lot of forums/tutorials to get that working in xampp and put a lot of time on these issues. I also contacted PECL developer mailing lists and they suggested me to remove xampp and install lamp on ubuntu. So, I removed xampp and installed lamp but again I got the errors again while compiling PS PECL at Ubuntu. Someone at PECL developer mailing list suggested me a key point and here it is
apt-get install libgd2-xpm-dev
pecl install ps
Actually, PS library have dependency to isntall libgd2 first and then install PS but PS package doesn’t have this dependency listed at their website. After having such issues I finally got PS PECL installed in lampp and I started to code EPS schema. Remember, my main concern to use PS PECL was to calculate the width of the string in EPS. but when I generated a test Post script file I noticed some Interesting things.
First let me tell what is EPS:
An EPS file is a PostScript file which follows the DSC and which follows a couple of other rules. These rules can be summarized as follows:
- The first line must be %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
- The file must make use of the BoundingBox comment
- The file should be a single page image (in DSC terms, the %%Pages comment must have a value of 0 or 1).
- The file should not use any operators which affect the global state.
PS PECL is actually generates a post script file not Encapsulated Post Script file. This is what I noticed that PS lib is not what I required or wanted and what I was messing with it around from previous couple of weeks to get it working 🙁 I misunderstood or guess that PS Lib will solve the problem I have.
So, I reversed myself and continue working with manually creating EPS files using Commands by following the above mentioned points. Though there are some limitations according to my knowledge but I have done my best and I will continue to work on it in future too.
MS Visio XML Schema
Generating Visio XML .VDX is really a challenging task and due to a limited time I left after messing with EPS. I would not be able to completely implemented it and get it 100% working. But I have done as much as I could do so far.
Visio XML needs a lot of study of XML Schema’s of Visio 2003 and 2006. I also consulted visio forums and visio MVP’s to know more about the XML generation of Visio XML outside of VISIO IDE tool. I gathered a lot of information and stuff but It needs more time to get it complete. The main reason is VISIO save the files in XML .VDX but it creates a lot of XML that we need ages to know. So, to create files outside of Visio and using php langauge we need complete knowledge of XML Schema of Visio which I have started exploring. I will keep in touch with these schema’s and would give time as much as possible to cover it in future.
There were lots of obstacles on my way to get some things working perfectly and I didn’t got success but this leads me to road of success !!
Google Summer of Code 2010: 10th week
This week was very disappointed for me because my health was broken and 5 hours of work took more than 4 days to complete 🙁
I had decided to go with manually creating EPS files by using POST SCRIPT commands. I had started very good but when I had to calculate the width of string I got stuck there and I realized that I must need to use PS Extension [0] to calculate the width of string. But there was no DLL for my wamp installation. So, I had two options. Create DLL or use the Linux and install PS Extension [0] and then use it. I am a windows user. So, I decided to install Ubuntu in my Virtual Machine.
I tried to install Ubuntu 101 times at my laptop and on my pc as well but I didn’t got success at all. After being mad with its installation I downloaded the ISO image of Ubuntu again from their website and burned it on CD and then install it again. Luckily, It has been installed at my laptop in Virtual Machine and now I will code EPS Schema using PS Extension [0] after installing.
while I was frustrated with the installation of Ubuntu. I also tried to create DLL myself by using compilers of VC++ 2005 and 2008 version as well. But It took a lot of time in installation and configuration and again no success. I consulted a lot of forums but nothing 🙁
So, I am now working with Visio XML generation plus installing the xampp in Ubuntu now. I will try my best to finish both these two Schema’s till next Sunday.
[0] http://pecl.php.net/package/ps