5th week

5th Week is over and I have committed what I have done so far. Following is the demo server URL


where you can see it in action. PDF is working fine with rewrite of some of its structure. while SVG is in process. waiting to hear the structural comments about my code from my mentor. In this weekend , I am exploring the DIA’s XML. so, I could finally make all these 3 Export Schema’s in action till the mid-terms. I am putting my days and night to achieve it.

Google summer of code 3rd week ended !

3rd week of the coding period has been ended and I am feeling a bit comfortable now that I will be able to make the SVG and PDF Export with a better classes structure in next coming week. But I have my mid term exam at 15th June , So I will try my best to achieve it.

I explored SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) . It’s elements that are used to draw the images etc .. There are two great references from where I studied about SVG .. w3schools and another is a book of Cristian Darie on PHP and AJAX

I also explored a lot the pdf_schema.php containing the classes for Drawing Tables,Relations and etc ..

I created a userSchema Class that will handle the front end HTML manipulation. It contains creating a page and the selection of type of relations i.e foreign key or internal relations,   scratchboard and select the type of export relations section with options ..


Muhammad Adnan

Google Summer of Code 2010, 2nd Week !

In this week, I have finally started getting my hands over with REAL OOP in php. I have developed a class structure named Abstract Factory Pattern that will be more enhanced as I move forward.

Currently, the class structure includes an Abstract Relation Schema Class which will be the extended by PDF,DIA,VISIO,SVG and EPS Schema classes. There is a User Schema Class that contains almost all the User Interface elements.

well, I am not yet able to implement the PDF Export in this class structure yet. But I am sure, In next week. I will be able to do so. I have pushed export_branch in my git repo at repo.or.cz

I learned a lot in this week, Thanks to Google Summer of Code and phpMyAdmin !