hello students Assalam-o-Alikum,
This post is giving you some awareness about what is Google Summer of Code, if you don’t know. If you know already then get ready its time to do something Awesome in your life. I have participated in GSoC 2010 and I want many many students to participate from Pakistan 🙂 Good Luck!!
What is Google Summer of Code ?
=> Google Summer of Code is a program designed to encourage college student participation in open source software development.
Why you should participate ?
●Students gain:
● skills
● real world experience
● sample code
● contacts
●Organizations gain:
● new contributions & contributors ● global exposure
Google will provide a stipend of 5500 USD per accepted student developer, of which 5000 USD goes to the student and 500 USD goes to the mentoring organization.
Participating Projects
Have included projects on:
● Operating Systems
● Hardware Management
● Mobile, Portable, Handheld & calculators
● Databases
● Programming Languages, Libraries & Compilers
● Code Design, Development & Management
● Internet & Networks
● Video, TV & Photography
●Web Technologies
●Content Management
●Office Applications & Text Editors ●Simulations, Modeling & Neural Networks ●Analytical Sciences
●Biology and Health Care
●Graphics, 3D Rendering, CAD & Animation ●Game Development
●Mail, Phone & Internet Messaging ●Multimedia, Audio, & Music
●February 27 – March 9: Google will accept applications from open source projects.
●March 12 – 15: Google program administrators review organization applications.
●March 16: List of accepted mentoring organizations published on http://www.google-melange.com
●March 17-25: Would-be student participants discuss application/project ideas with mentoring organizations.
Useful Links
●Google Summer of Code web page http://www.google-melange.com
●Google Summer of Code discussion group http://groups.google.com/group/google-summer-of-code-discuss
●Google Summer of Code student guide http://www.booki.cc/gsocstudentguide/
Note: if you have any questions you can ask in below comments. I’m planning to do some meetup in Pakistan soon. so stay tuned on this page for venue and date.
nice post 🙂 i also want to take part but need some guidance
first of all congratulation for google summer of code2010 i recently read about you and feel proud that the pakistani students are so bright, talented and intelligent that they are able to compete the world. Please can you tell me what they mean by proposal ? what student have to do about proposal? how to prepare for it and what its significance?
Thanks for your good job. Best wishes to you 😉