Google Summer of Code is Over Successfully

At 20th August,I got confirmation about Final Evaluations that I have Passed and I am Google Summer of Coder 2010 now. I am very very happy and my University (they featured me at their website and at notice board as well) and my Family is also delighted as well. Sorry for delayed in this post, Actually I had exam at 25th August and then I had  to submit a term paper of Software Requirements Engineering. I submitted term paper after 2 weeks of due date and thanks to my teacher who accepted it finally.

Over the last week, I had managed to make the EPS Schema working. So, finally PDF,SVG,DIA and EPS Schema’s are working fine while MS Visio needs more time and I was running short of time. I would be continue working with it though this is the main point of GSoC.

GSoC polished me in true ways toward the Open Source development and I really loved working in this great program. I have planned to work on my own Open Source Software, you will hear soon at my blog. Taking part in Google Summer of Code was FUN and I really learned a lot of things from PMA. I have got all the money from Google 🙂 and waiting for t-shirt and Google certificate now.

My Code have been merged into the main repository of the PMA and I have uploaded it to the Google Project Hosting. So, anyone who wants to see what I coded can download the code (listed as Adnan_Mughal.tar.gz) and download the development version of PMA and play with the Export Relation Schema stuff. You would really love the work and use it in your projects demonstration. It would be helpful for students as well who need to present the structure of their databases.